Biden's Belief in Two-State Solution

President Biden expressed his continued belief in the viability of a two-state solution between Israelis and Palestinians, even with Netanyahu's current Israeli government in power

Netanyahu's Rejection of Palestinian State

Netanyahu initially rejected the idea of an independent Palestinian state, citing Israel's need for “security control over all territory,” which clashes with the concept of Palestinian sovereignty

Biden's Interpretation

Despite Netanyahu's stance, Biden believed that Netanyahu was not completely opposed to all forms of a two-state solution

Direct Communication Resumed

Biden and Netanyahu's phone conversation marked their first direct communication since December 23, bridging a nearly month-long gap

Domestic Political Pressures

Both leaders are navigating domestic political challenges, with Biden facing an upcoming election and Netanyahu dealing with a conservative government and personal legal issues

U.S. Frustration with Netanyahu

 Biden's frustration with Netanyahu has grown, particularly over Israel's military operations, but he still publicly supports a two-state solution​

Biden's Acknowledgment of Netanyahu's Challenges

Biden recognizes the political difficulties Netanyahu faces with his hard-right coalition and ongoing corruption charges​

Netanyahu's Political Maneuvering

Netanyahu is seen as using tactics to maintain his coalition and possibly waiting for a potential change in the U.S. presidency in November

Impact on U.S. Political Dynamics

Key Democratic lawmakers in the U.S. have warned that Netanyahu's position on Palestinian statehood could affect negotiations for military aid to Israel

Continued U.S. Advocacy for Two-State Solution

The Biden administration remains committed to advocating for a two-state solution in the region, striving for long-term security for both Palestinians and Israelis