Insulate Pipes and Faucets

Wrap exposed pipes and faucets with foam pipe insulation sleeves or heat-resistant tape to create a barrier against cold air

Use Spigot Insulators and Boxes

 Cover outdoor faucets with thick foam tubes or insulated boxes, especially those that are infrequently used, to provide maximum freeze protection​

Allow a Steady Drip of Water

 Let water drip slightly from faucets in extremely cold weather to keep water moving and prevent stagnation and freezing

Winterize Specific Areas Prone to Freezing

Focus on pipes along exterior walls, in unheated spaces, and irrigation systems by insulating and draining them before winter​

Seal Drafts and Leaks

Use weatherstripping or caulking to close gaps around windows, doors, and other openings to maintain indoor temperature and minimize drafts

Disconnect Outdoor Hoses

 Before cold weather, disconnect garden hoses, drain outdoor faucets and cover them to prevent freezing

Maintain a Warm Home

Keep your home at a consistent, warm temperature, even when you’re away, to help prevent pipes from freezing

Use Heat Tape or Cable

Install heat tape or heating cables along pipes, especially in areas prone to freezing, to provide direct heat and prevent freezing

Emergency Thawing Methods

If a pipe freezes, gently apply heat with a hairdryer, heat lamp, or portable heater to the frozen section to thaw it safely

Monitor and Maintain the System

Regularly check your outdoor plumbing during winter to ensure the insulation and other protective measures are intact and functioning