The documentary centers on the infamous 1MDB scandal, involving the embezzlement of funds from a Malaysian state fund
It features interviews with various key figures, including former Malaysian Prime Minister Najib Razak, journalist Clare Rewcastle Brown, and others involved in the scandal
The film highlights Jho Low's extravagant lifestyle, funded by the embezzled money, and his connections with celebrities like Leonardo DiCaprio and Paris Hilton
Najib Razak, interviewed in the documentary, continues to claim innocence, blaming the scheme on Jho Low and others
The scandal had international implications, involving figures and institutions from around the world
The documentary employs modern techniques such as recreated scenes, flashy graphics, and celebrity name-dropping to present the story
Directed by Cassius Michael Kim, the film provides a comprehensive look into the scandal and its effects
The film received a positive reception, with a high rating on Rotten Tomatoes, indicating widespread critical acclaim
Following its release, Najib Razak threatened legal action against those involved in the documentary for its content
Ultimately, "Man on the Run" narrates a story of power, greed, and corruption, impacting an entire nation and its people