how to become a management consultant in india

Have you ever dreamed of becoming a management consultant? Do you want to help organizations solve their most complex and challenging problems? Do you enjoy working in a dynamic and diverse environment that offers constant learning and growth opportunities?

If you answered yes to any of these questions, then management consulting might be the perfect career choice for you. Management consulting is one of the most popular and rewarding professions in the world, with a global market size of over $300 billion. Management consultants earn an average salary of $100,000 per year in India, and enjoy perks such as travel, prestige, and impact.

But what exactly is management consulting, and how can you become one? In this article, we will answer these questions and more. We will explain what management consulting is, what management consultants do, what are the benefits and challenges of working as a management consultant, and how to become a management consultant. By the end of this article, you will have a clear understanding of what it takes to pursue your dream of becoming a management consultant.

What is Management Consulting?

Management consulting is the practice of providing external advice and support to organizations on various aspects of their business, such as strategy, operations, finance, marketing, technology, human resources, etc. Management consultants help clients improve their performance, efficiency, profitability, and competitiveness by identifying and solving their problems, developing and implementing solutions, and facilitating change.

Management consulting is a broad and diverse field that covers many different types of consulting, such as:

  • Strategy consulting: Strategy consultants help clients define their vision, mission, goals, and objectives, and formulate and execute their business strategies. They also help clients deal with issues such as growth, innovation, competition, mergers and acquisitions, etc.
  • Operations consulting: Operations consultants help clients optimize their business processes and operations, such as supply chain, logistics, manufacturing, quality, customer service, etc. They also help clients implement lean, agile, and digital transformation initiatives.
  • IT consulting: IT consultants help clients leverage information technology to enhance their business capabilities and outcomes. They also help clients design, develop, deploy, and manage IT systems and solutions.
  • HR consulting: HR consultants help clients manage their human capital and organizational culture. They also help clients with issues such as talent acquisition, retention, development, performance management, compensation and benefits, employee engagement, etc.
  • Marketing consulting: Marketing consultants help clients develop and execute their marketing strategies and plans. They also help clients with issues such as branding, positioning, segmentation, targeting, pricing, promotion, distribution, etc.

These are just some examples of the different types of management consulting. There are many more specialized areas of consulting that cater to specific industries or functions.

What Do Management Consultants Do?

Management consultants work on projects that typically last from a few weeks to a few months. They work in teams that consist of consultants from different levels of seniority and expertise. They also work closely with the client’s representatives from various departments and levels.

The typical work process and activities of management consultants are:

  • Research and analysis: Management consultants conduct extensive research and analysis to understand the client’s situation, needs, challenges, and opportunities. They collect and analyze data from various sources, such as interviews, surveys, documents, reports, etc. They also use various tools and frameworks to structure and synthesize their findings, such as SWOT analysis, Porter’s five forces, BCG matrix, etc.
  • Recommendations and solutions: Management consultants develop and present their recommendations and solutions to the client based on their research and analysis. They also provide the rationale, the benefits, the costs, the risks, and the implementation plan for their proposals. They use various methods and formats to communicate their ideas, such as slides, reports, charts, graphs, etc.
  • Implementation and monitoring: Management consultants assist the client in implementing and monitoring the changes and improvements that they have suggested. They also provide ongoing support and feedback to the client throughout the project. They also measure and evaluate the results and outcomes of their interventions.

To perform these tasks effectively, management consultants need to have a set of skills and competencies that include:

  • Analytical thinking: Management consultants need to have strong analytical skills to collect, process, interpret, and synthesize large amounts of data and information. They also need to have critical thinking skills to identify and solve complex problems creatively.
  • Problem-solving: Management consultants need to have excellent problem-solving skills to find the best solutions for the client’s challenges. They also need to have decision-making skills to choose the most appropriate course of action among multiple alternatives.
  • Communication: Management consultants need to have outstanding communication skills to convey their messages clearly, concisely, and persuasively to various audiences, such as clients, colleagues, stakeholders, etc. They also need to have listening skills to understand the client’s needs and expectations.
  • Teamwork: Management consultants need to have superb teamwork skills to collaborate effectively with their team members and the client’s representatives. They also need to have leadership skills to motivate and inspire others and to manage conflicts and challenges.
  • Creativity: Management consultants need to have a high level of creativity to generate innovative ideas and solutions for the client’s problems. They also need to have a growth mindset to learn new things and adapt to changing situations.

To illustrate how management consultants work and what they achieve, here are some examples of real case studies and testimonials from management consultants:

Case Studies

A leading strategy consulting firm helped a global consumer goods company increase its market share and profitability by developing and implementing a new growth strategy. The consulting team conducted a comprehensive market analysis and identified the most attractive segments and opportunities for the client. They also designed and executed a new product portfolio, pricing, promotion, and distribution strategy. As a result, the client increased its sales by 15% and its operating margin by 10% in one year.

A prominent IT consulting firm helped a major bank improve its customer experience and operational efficiency by implementing a digital transformation initiative. The consulting team analyzed the bank’s current processes and systems and identified the key pain points and gaps. They also developed and deployed a new digital platform that integrated the bank’s online, mobile, and branch channels. As a result, the bank reduced its customer complaints by 50% and its operational costs by 20% in six months.


Management consulting is a rewarding career that allows me to work on diverse and challenging projects across different industries and geographies. I enjoy learning new things every day and applying my skills and knowledge to help clients achieve their goals. I also appreciate the opportunity to work with smart and talented people who share my passion and values.” – Anjali, Strategy Consultant at McKinsey & Company

Management consulting is an exciting career that exposes me to various aspects of business and technology. I love solving complex problems and creating innovative solutions for clients that make a difference. I also value the flexibility and variety that management consulting offers, as I can choose the projects that interest me and suit my lifestyle.” – Rajesh, IT Consultant at Accenture

What are the Benefits and Challenges of Working as a Management Consultant?

Working as a management consultant has many benefits and challenges that you should be aware of before pursuing this career path. Some of the benefits are:

  • Variety: Management consulting offers a lot of variety in terms of the projects, clients, industries, functions, and locations that you can work on. You will never get bored or stuck in a routine, as you will always face new situations and challenges that require different approaches and solutions.
  • Learning: Management consulting provides a lot of learning opportunities, as you will constantly acquire new knowledge and skills from your projects, clients, colleagues, mentors, training programs, etc. You will also develop a broad and deep understanding of various business domains and topics that will enhance your professional competence and credibility.
  • Travel: Management consulting involves a lot of travel, as you will often visit your clients’ offices or sites in different cities or countries. You will get to experience different cultures, lifestyles, cuisines, etc., as well as expand your network and exposure.
  • Impact: Management consulting enables you to make a positive impact on your clients’ organizations and society at large, as you will help them improve their performance, efficiency, profitability, competitiveness, etc. You will also contribute to solving some of the most pressing issues that affect various sectors and communities, such as sustainability, education, health care, etc.
  • Prestige: Management consulting is a prestigious profession that is highly respected and valued by employers, peers, customers, etc. You will also have access to some of the most influential people and organizations in the world, as well as enjoy recognition and rewards for your work.

Some of the challenges are:

  • Stress: Management consulting can be very stressful, as you will often face tight deadlines, high expectations, complex problems, and intense competition. You will also have to deal with uncertainty, change, and ambiguity that may arise from your projects, clients, or environment. You will need to have strong resilience and coping skills to handle the pressure and demands of management consulting.
  • Workload: Management consulting can be very demanding, as you will often work long hours, weekends, and holidays to meet your project deliverables and client satisfaction. You will also have to juggle multiple tasks and priorities at the same time, and balance your work and personal life. You will need to have strong time management and organizational skills to handle the workload and expectations of management consulting.
  • Competition: Management consulting can be very competitive, as you will compete with other consultants and firms for the best projects, clients, and opportunities. You will also face internal competition for promotions, bonuses, and recognition. You will need to have a high level of performance and professionalism to stand out and succeed in management consulting.
  • Uncertainty: Management consulting can be very uncertain, as you will not have a fixed or stable career path or job security. You will often change your projects, clients, industries, functions, and locations based on the market demand and your firm’s needs. You will also face the risk of losing your job due to economic downturns, client dissatisfaction, or poor performance. You will need to have a flexible and adaptable mindset to cope with the uncertainty and volatility of management consulting.

To cope with these challenges and enjoy the benefits of working as a management consultant, here are some tips and advice that you can follow:

  • Manage your stress: Find healthy and effective ways to manage your stress, such as exercise, meditation, hobbies, etc. Avoid unhealthy habits, such as smoking, drinking, overeating, etc. Seek help from your colleagues, mentors, friends, family, or professionals if you feel overwhelmed or depressed.
  • Manage your workload: Plan and prioritize your tasks and activities according to their urgency and importance. Delegate or outsource some of your work if possible. Set realistic and achievable goals and deadlines. Learn to say no to unnecessary or unreasonable requests. Take breaks and vacations when needed.
  • Manage your competition: Focus on your own strengths and achievements rather than comparing yourself with others. Collaborate rather than compete with your colleagues and peers. Seek feedback and improvement rather than perfection and validation. Celebrate your successes and learn from your failures.
  • Manage your uncertainty: Embrace change and uncertainty as opportunities rather than threats. Be proactive rather than reactive in finding and creating new projects, clients, industries, functions, and locations that interest you. Be prepared for any scenario and contingency that may arise. Build a strong network and reputation that can support you in times of need.

How to Become a Management Consultant?

If you are interested in becoming a management consultant, you will need to meet some educational and professional requirements, as well as prepare for and ace the application and interview process for management consulting firms.

The educational requirements for becoming a management consultant are:

  • Degree: You will need to have a bachelor’s degree in any discipline from a reputable university or college. However, some fields of study are more relevant and preferred than others, such as business, engineering, economics, mathematics, statistics, etc. You may also need to have a master’s degree or a PhD in some cases, especially for more senior or specialized roles.
  • Certification: You may also need to have some professional certifications that demonstrate your knowledge and skills in specific areas of management consulting, such as project management, business analysis, change management, etc. Some examples of these certifications are PMP (Project Management Professional), CBAP (Certified Business Analysis Professional), CMC (Certified Management Consultant), etc.

The professional requirements for becoming a management consultant are:

  • Experience: You will need to have some relevant work experience that showcases your abilities and achievements in management consulting or related fields, such as consulting internships, case competitions, extracurricular activities, volunteer work, etc. You may also need to have some industry or functional expertise in some cases, especially for more senior or specialized roles.
  • Skills: You will need to have the skills and competencies that we discussed earlier in this article, such as analytical thinking, problem-solving, communication, teamwork, creativity, etc. You will also need to have some technical skills that are relevant for your area of interest or specialization in management consulting, such as Excel, PowerPoint, SQL, Python, etc.

To prepare for and ace the application and interview process for management consulting firms, you will need to follow these steps:

  • Research: Research the different types of management consulting firms that exist in India and abroad, such as McKinsey & Company, Bain & Company, Boston Consulting Group, Accenture, Deloitte, etc., and what they offer in terms of services, culture, values, opportunities, etc. Choose the firms that match your interests, goals, and fit.
  • Resume: Create a resume that highlights your education, experience, skills, and achievements that are relevant and impressive for management consulting. Use a clear, concise, and professional format and language. Use action verbs and quantifiable results to describe your accomplishments. Tailor your resume to each firm that you apply to.
  • Cover letter: Write a cover letter that expresses your interest and motivation for applying to the firm and the role that you are applying for. Explain why you are a good fit for the firm and the role, and how you can add value to the firm and its clients. Use specific examples and evidence to support your claims. Tailor your cover letter to each firm that you apply to.
  • Online tests: Take some online tests that assess your numerical, verbal, logical, and situational reasoning skills. These tests are usually administered by the firms as part of their screening process. Practice some sample tests online or offline to familiarize yourself with the format and content of the tests. Try to answer as many questions as possible within the given time limit and with accuracy.
  • Case interviews: Prepare for some case interviews that test your problem-solving, analytical, and communication skills. These interviews are usually conducted by the firms as part of their assessment process. In these interviews, you will be given a hypothetical business problem or scenario that you will have to solve or analyze with the interviewer. Practice some sample cases online or offline to improve your case skills. Use a structured and logical approach to solve the cases. Communicate your thoughts and ideas clearly and confidently with the interviewer.
  • Behavioral interviews: Prepare for some behavioral interviews that test your personality, fit, and motivation for management consulting. These interviews are usually conducted by the firms as part of their evaluation process. In these interviews, you will be asked some questions about your background, experiences, skills, achievements, goals, etc., that relate to management consulting. Prepare some stories or examples that demonstrate your strengths and values for management consulting. Use the STAR (Situation, Task, Action, Result) method to structure your answers. Be honest and authentic with the interviewer.

If you follow these steps and tips, you will have a good chance of becoming a management consultant in India or abroad.


Management consulting is a rewarding career that offers variety, learning, travel, impact, prestige, and more. However, it also comes with some challenges, such as stress, workload, competition, uncertainty, etc. To become a management consultant, you will need to meet some educational and professional requirements, as well as prepare for and ace the application and interview process for management consulting firms.

If you are passionate about helping organizations solve their problems and achieve their goals, then management consulting might be the perfect career choice for you.

We hope this article has given you a complete guide on how to become a management consultant. If you have any questions or comments, please feel free to contact us.

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