How To Get a Job in TCS

Are you a tech enthusiast who wants to work for one of the most reputed and successful IT companies in the world? Do you dream of becoming a TCS employee and working on cutting-edge projects for global clients? If so, you might be wondering how to get a job in TCS in 2023.

TCS, or Tata Consultancy Services, is a global leader in the IT industry, with more than 36,000 clients in 80 countries. The company is known for its excellence in IT services, consulting, digital solutions, and business operations. Working for TCS can be a rewarding and fulfilling career choice, as you will have the opportunity to learn new skills, grow professionally, and make a positive impact on society.

However, getting a job in TCS is not easy. The company receives millions of applications every year, and only hires the best candidates who meet its standards and expectations. To stand out from the crowd and land your dream job in TCS, you need to prepare well and follow some tips and tricks.

In this article, we will guide you through the entire process of getting a job in TCS in 2023, from creating a profile on the TCS website, to finding and applying for open positions, to preparing for the aptitude test and the interview, to succeeding as a TCS employee. We will also provide you with some facts and figures about TCS that will help you impress the hiring managers and show your enthusiasm for the company.

How to Create a Profile on the TCS Website

Before you apply for a job in TCS, you need to create a profile on the TCS website. This will help you get access to job alerts, career guidance, and learning resources. It will also help you showcase your personal information, education and work experience, and skills to the recruiters.

create profile on TCS website

Here are some steps to create a profile on the TCS website:

  • Register and log in: To create a profile on the TCS website, you need to register and log in with your email address and password. You will also need to verify your email address by clicking on the link sent to your inbox. You can also use your social media accounts such as Facebook, LinkedIn, or Google to register and log in.
  • Fill out the profile form: After logging in, you will see a profile form that will ask you for your personal information, such as your name, date of birth, gender, nationality, contact details, etc. You will also need to provide your education and work experience details, such as your qualification, institution, year of passing, marks obtained, etc. You will also need to mention your skills, such as your programming languages, tools, frameworks, certifications, etc.
  • Upload your resume and cover letter: After filling out the profile form, you will need to upload your resume and cover letter. Your resume should be concise and relevant, highlighting your achievements and accomplishments. Your cover letter should be customized and tailored for the job that you are applying for. It should explain why you are interested in working for TCS, what value you can add to the company, and how you fit the role and the culture.
  • Save and submit: After uploading your resume and cover letter, you need to save and submit your profile. You will receive a confirmation email and an application number that you can use to track your application status.

How to Find and Apply for Open Positions

Once you have created your profile on the TCS website, you need to find and apply for open positions that match your skills, experience, and interests. There are different types of jobs available at TCS, such as IT, BPO, engineering, consulting, etc.

available jobs at TCS


Here are some steps to find and apply for open positions:

  • Use the TCS career page: The easiest way to find open positions at TCS is to use its career page, where you can search for jobs by location, category, and keyword. You can also filter your search by experience level, employment type, industry vertical, etc. You can also view the job description, the eligibility criteria, the roles and responsibilities, the skills required, etc. for each job.
  • Use other job boards and websites: Another way to find open positions at TCS is to use other job boards and websites, such as Indeed, Glassdoor, LinkedIn, Monster, etc. You can also use Google to search for keywords such as “TCS jobs”, “TCS careers”, “TCS hiring”, etc. You can also filter your search by location, date, relevance, etc.
  • Use your network: One more way to find open positions at TCS is to use your network, such as your friends, family, classmates, teachers, mentors, etc. You can ask them if they know anyone who works at TCS or if they have any referrals or recommendations. You can also use social media to reach out to people who work at TCS or follow the company and express your interest in working for them. You can also attend events and workshops hosted by TCS or its partners and network with the employees and recruiters.
  • Apply for jobs online or offline: Once you have found an open position that you are interested in, you need to apply for it online or offline.
    • To apply online, you need to log in to your profile on the TCS website or the job board or website that you used. You will see an apply button that will redirect you to the application form. You will need to fill out the application form with your personal information, education and work experience, and skills. You will also need to answer some screening questions that will assess your fit for the role and the company. Make sure to answer all the questions honestly and accurately, and proofread your application before submitting it.
    • To apply offline, you need to send your resume and cover letter to the email address or postal address provided by the recruiter. You will also need to mention the job title and reference number in the subject line or envelope. Make sure to follow up with the recruiter after sending your application.

How to Prepare for the Aptitude Test

After you have applied for an open position, you will need to wait for a response from the hiring manager or recruiter. If your application is successful, you will be invited for an aptitude test, which is a mandatory and eliminatory round of the selection process. The aptitude test is designed to measure your logical reasoning, numerical ability, verbal ability, and programming skills.

Here are some tips and tricks to prepare for the aptitude test:

  • Know the test format and duration: The aptitude test consists of four rounds: email writing, quantitative ability and reasoning ability, programming language efficiency, and coding test. The email writing round tests your ability to write a formal email on a given topic with a word limit of 50 words. The quantitative ability and reasoning ability round tests your ability to solve mathematical and logical problems with multiple choice questions. The programming language efficiency round tests your ability to write syntactically correct code in C, C++, Java, or Python with multiple choice questions. The coding test tests your ability to write a working code for a given problem statement in C, C++, Java, or Python with an online compiler. The total duration of the test is 90 minutes, with 10 minutes for email writing, 40 minutes for quantitative ability and reasoning ability, 20 minutes for programming language efficiency, and 20 minutes for coding test.
  • Practice previous papers: One of the best ways to prepare for the aptitude test is to practice previous papers that are available online or offline. You can find some of them on websites such as PrepInsta, FacePrep, GeeksforGeeks, etc. You can also get some of them from your seniors or friends who have taken the test before. Practicing previous papers will help you familiarize yourself with the types of questions, the level of difficulty, and the time limit. It will also help you identify your strengths and weaknesses, and improve your accuracy and speed.
  • Revise basic concepts: Another way to prepare for the aptitude test is to revise basic concepts that are relevant for each round. For email writing, you should revise grammar rules, punctuation marks, spelling errors, etc. For quantitative ability and reasoning ability, you should revise topics such as arithmetic, algebra, geometry, mensuration, number systems, percentages, ratios, averages, time and work, time and distance, profit and loss, simple and compound interest, permutations and combinations, probability, data interpretation, logical reasoning, etc. For programming language efficiency and coding test, you should revise topics such as data types, variables, operators, expressions, control structures, loops, arrays, strings, functions, pointers, structures, classes, objects, inheritance, polymorphism, abstraction, encapsulation, etc.
  • Manage time: One more thing to keep in mind for the aptitude test is to manage time effectively. You should allocate enough time for each round and each question, and avoid spending too much time on any question that you find difficult or confusing. You should also skip any question that you are not sure about and come back to it later if you have time left. You should also check your answers before submitting them.

How to Ace the Interview

ace tcs interview

After you have cleared the aptitude test, you will be invited for an interview, which can be either in-person, phone, or video. The interview is your chance to showcase your personality, skills, knowledge, and passion for the company and the role.

Here are some tips and tricks to ace the interview:

  • Be prepared to discuss your personality, interests, strengths, weaknesses, and goals.
  • Research TCS and understand what value you can add.
  • Be open to relocation, night shifts, and working weekends.
  • Highlight coding languages learned and any internships.
  • Prepare examples of challenging situations and how you handled them.
  • Explain how your educational background fits the job.
  • Understand differences between programming languages and concepts like static variables.
  • Prepare for coding questions like bubble sort, insertion sort, etc.
  • Know SQL concepts like outer join vs inner join, primary key vs foreign key.
  • Prepare for quantitative aptitude topics like number systems, logical reasoning, etc.
  • Revise basic programming and computer science subjects.
  • Practice scenario-based coding questions and email writing.
  • Focus on operating systems, database management systems, networking, OOPs.
  • Demonstrate calmness and confidence in managerial rounds.
  • Be ready to discuss background, hobbies, family, education, and internships.
  • Refer to TCS test papers to understand the pattern and identify areas for improvement.
  • Stay positive and focus on areas where you need more preparation.

How to Succeed as a TCS Employee

Congratulations, you have got the job at TCS! You are now a TCS employee, which means that you are part of a team that delivers world-class IT solutions to global clients. However, your journey does not end here. You still need to work hard and smart to succeed as a TCS employee.

Here are some tips and tricks to succeed as a TCS employee:

  • Complete the training program: As a new hire, you will need to complete a training program that will teach you everything you need to know about working at TCS, such as the policies, procedures, standards, tools, software, etc. You will also learn how to work on real projects with real clients under the guidance of experienced mentors. You should take the training seriously and ask questions whenever you have doubts or difficulties.
  • Learn the policies and procedures: As a TCS employee, you will need to learn the policies and procedures that govern your work at TCS, such as the code of conduct, ethics, compliance, security, quality, etc. You will also need to follow them strictly and report any violations or issues that you encounter. You should also keep yourself updated on any changes or updates that occur in these policies and procedures.
  • Interact with customers and coworkers: As a TCS employee, you will need to interact with customers and coworkers on a daily basis. You will need to communicate effectively with them using various modes such as email, phone, chat, video conference, etc. You will need to understand their needs and expectations, offer solutions and suggestions, answer their questions and concerns, handle their feedback and complaints, etc. You should also build rapport and trust with them, and maintain a professional and respectful relationship with them.
  • Handle feedback and complaints: As a TCS employee, you will need to handle feedback and complaints from customers and managers. You will need to accept constructive criticism and use it as an opportunity to improve your performance and skills. You will also need to deal with unhappy or dissatisfied customers who might have issues with the solutions or services that they received. You will need to apologize sincerely, empathize with their feelings, offer solutions or alternatives, compensate them if necessary, etc. You should always aim to exceed their expectations and ensure their satisfaction.
  • Pursue career advancement opportunities: As a TCS employee, you will have the opportunity to pursue career advancement opportunities within the company. You will be able to apply for higher-level positions or different roles that match your skills, interests, and goals. You will also be able to access various learning and development programs that will help you enhance your knowledge, skills, and abilities. You will also be able to participate in various initiatives and projects that will allow you to showcase your talents, creativity, and leadership. You should always seek feedback and guidance from your managers and mentors, and demonstrate your potential and value to the company.

Final Words!

Working for TCS can be a great career choice for anyone who loves technology and innovation, and who wants to work on challenging and rewarding projects for global clients. However, getting a job in TCS is not easy, as you will face a lot of competition and challenges. To get a job in TCS in 2023, you need to follow these steps:

  • Create a profile on the TCS website by registering and logging in, filling out the profile form, and uploading your resume and cover letter.
  • Find and apply for open positions that match your skills, experience, and interests by using the TCS career page, other job boards and websites, or your network.
  • Prepare for the aptitude test by knowing the test format and duration, practicing previous papers, revising basic concepts, and managing time.
  • Ace the interview by preparing well, dressing professionally, arriving early, being confident and friendly, showing your enthusiasm and passion, asking questions, and following up.
  • Succeed as a TCS employee by completing the training program, learning the policies and procedures, interacting with customers and coworkers, handling feedback and complaints, and pursuing career advancement opportunities.

We hope this article has helped you understand how to get a job in TCS in 2023. If you are ready to take action and apply for your dream job in TCS, go ahead and visit its career page now!

By Acadlog is a leading platform in India's private job sector, known for its exceptional expertise and guidance. With over a decade of experience in career consultation and talent acquisition, the team at has a deep understanding of the Indian job market. Their dedication to assisting individuals in finding fulfilling careers led to the establishment of this trusted platform for private job listings and insightful career advice.

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